Horticultural spotlight: Cosmos bipinnatus

The suggested horticultural specimen for September was Zinnia. And it is a staple in any summer cutting garden. But this year a new (to me) addition has stolen the stage. I have grown cosmos for years. More out of habit than anything else. I am a creature of habit. I don’t like change. Every year I curse the tall stalks that end up bending over. I am too lazy to keep them deadheaded to promote more flowers. I keep growing them though because they are a nice addition to a vase of mixed flowers. This year I ordered a (new to me) cultivar: Gloria. This girl has really impressed me! Her flowers are large and lovely and she is absolutely radiant. Yes the stalks are tall and on this September Sunday many are bent over in my late summer neglected garden. But she has given me such joy and makes for a wild and dramatic addition to large table vases! Green Envy Zinnia are a nice companion if you veer towards the preppy end of the spectrum! (I ordered seeds from Swallowtail Seeds. I had excellent germination directly sown into the ground!)

I also want to give a shout out to my favorite Austin rose, Sharifa Asma. She gave me a few luscious, fragrant late season blooms!