Shady Oaks Flower Show 2018



The ladies of Shady Oaks Garden Club held our biennial flower show in September. It was a fantastic event. All of our members should be proud as this was a beautiful and very successful show. Special thanks to Sycamore Shoals State Park for allowing us to use their wonderful space. 

To see more photos, please click on the photo album link: Timeless- Shady Oaks Garden Club Standard Flower Show 2018



Botanical Arts Workshop at Sycamore Shoals Park



Botanical Arts Wearable Jewelry Workshop at Sycamore Shoals State Park

Presented by members of Shady Oaks Garden Club on August 25th from 9:30 til noon.  Registration is limited to 25 people.  This workshop is free to attend but please register in advance. To register, call  (423) 543-5808 prior to August 25th. Use dried plant material supplied by the instructors to craft one or two pieces of wearable jewelry.  No prior experience needed.  Attendees are invited to display their creations at a NGC flower show to be held at the park on September 7-8.  Items entered in the show will be returned to owners. Ribbons will be awarded.  

The Shady Ladies celebrate National Garden Week


Several of our members opened their gardens for visitors during National Garden Week.  Mickey generously shared plants and knowledge.  Some were lucky enough to get one of her gorgeous irises. Anne toured us around her hosta collection and sought advice for creating new garden areas. Diane showed us her wonderful containers and what a view of Johnson City from her deck!  Sara invited an agent from the county extension office to teach us about proper soil sampling.  Heather gave us a sneak preview of new additions in her unique Asian themed garden.  Pat served us the best iced tea and showed us her lush and beautiful mountain garden. And it is always a treat to visit Phyllis and her elegant formal garden. The Shady Ladies were happy to help Ms. Phyllis with some weeding.  Thank you to all who participated in this very special week.

For more photos click on the link: Shady Oaks National Garden Week




Knox County Flower Show

Several of our talented designers participated in the Knox County Council of Garden Clubs Flower Show. Heather, Natalie, Sara, Cindy and Loretta all dazzled visitors and judges with their creative designs! Here are few images from the show. 

SOGC receives an official proclamation

Shady Oaks Garden Club received an official proclamation from the Johnson City Mayor recognizing our participation in National Garden Week. Congratulations ladies! Your hard work deserves recognition. And what a great week of garden tours and hands-on clinics.

Join us for National Garden Week

MORE Help for Friends by Friends

During National Garden Week, several Shady Oaks Garden Club members will open their gardens for visitors.  Some have plants to share. Some have knowledge and advice for new gardeners while others would love to brainstorm ideas for new planting areas or problem spots. This is a great opportunity to get to know other gardeners while getting an inside peek at some very special spaces.  All are welcome.  We’d love to have you. For more information contact Cole Hendrix Hedden or Pat Buck.

Sunday, June 3, 4:00 – 5:30: Mickey Grossman. Check out Mickey’s containers and help divide perennials (bring a tool and containers for plants).

Monday, June 4, 4:30 – 6: Diane Nelson. Diane needs assistance in garden-planning.

Tuesday, June 5, 4:30 – 6: Heather Jacob. Visit Heather’s Japanese garden in transition.

Wednesday, June 6, 5:30: Sara Bowers. Soil test demonstration by Kathleen Wilson, UT Extension Agent for Carter County. Soil test kits will be available.

Thursday, June 7, 4:30 – 6: Anne Reid. Anne wants ideas for gardening in deep shade.

Friday, June 8, 4:30 – 6: Pat Buck. Dig plants from Pat’s gardens and wild areas, help her with landscaping and maintenance ideas.

Saturday, June 9, 5:30: Phyllis Stamm. Prune and weed with Phyllis.