What we’re digging right now!

Since we are all “sheltering in place” and “gardening in place” I asked some members to share photos from their gardens and to update us all about projects they are working on during the quarantine. Today we are visiting Katya & Teri.

Katya shared these wonderful images of things coming along in her garden. Radishes and winter leeks springing up from the ground. Hellebores, leucojum, French sorrel, a delightful crabapple tree and lunaria. Katya reports that she is busy working on spring garden clean up and preparing for the season ahead.

Teri recently purchased a new home and is taking stock of what was already there and working hard to put her own stamp on things. She reports that she is doing some aggressive pruning. She has also planted strawberries, dark knight canna, lady danger bearded iris and African mask. She plans to remove a naninda and replace it with a lilac. She is working on pruning back her Hydrangea arborescens and taming some of her roses. She is also taking inventory of her seeds and will be sowing them soon!